About us.


Over 40 years of commitment to community.

The philosophy upon which Park West Pharmacy was founded has always been, “take care of our patients and the register will take care of itself”.

Sure we still have bills to pay, but the best part of our job has always been making a positive impact on our patients lives. Even now, through our outreach efforts and community partners we continue to expand upon this tradition of putting people first.


Respectfully caring for all.

Every single employee at Park West Pharmacy has a personal connection to the LGBTQ+ community.

We are committed to addressing inequities in all forms and promote inclusion and respect for all patients. At Park West Pharmacy we are proud of the rapport we have built with our patients. We are especially honored to educate, support, and provide care for those patients in the LGBTQ+ community.


Dr. Gwendolyn Paige Herzig

“Hello! I go by Gwen and I am the owner of Park West Pharmacy in Little Rock, Arkansas.”

“My story starts as far back as 12 years old, but my transition didn't start until the beginning of 2020. I personally just hit a wall and could not keep pushing who I was aside, so I decided to make a change! 

 Since transitioning, I have met so many wonderful people in our community. The support and kinship has been invaluable to me. That said, an issue I discovered very early in my transition was the lack of a centralized source of  readily available resources to individuals in the LGBTQ+ community. At that point I made it my mission to provide such a resource and provide whatever additional support I could.

​My goal is to continuously add to the resources I have provided on our website and continue to make the pharmacy a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community to come for all their needs!”